Disainiteaduskonna avatud loengud/Open Lectures in Faculty of Design

Disainiteaduskond, Estonia pst 7, rm 426

Algus k.p.:


Lõpp k.p.:

EKA disainiteaduskonna 2017. a kevadsemestri loengute fookus on õppetundidel elust enesest, mida tulevad jagama erineva disainikogemusega tegijad.

Moderaator: Tanel Veenre.

Loenguseeria toimub aine “Mis juhtub peale toote sündi?” raames kevadsemestri kolmapäevadel kell 17.30–19 ruumis 426, Estonia pst 7.

Loengud on avatud kõigile huvilistele.

08.02 Raul Kalvo & Helen Oja / architect & interior architect

Working with the space. How to expand your story with exhibition design?

Their exhibition designs Conflicts and Adaptations Estonian Art of the Soviet Era as well as Out of Sync Looking Back at the History of Sound Art have been nominated for the best exhibition design of the year by Estonian Association of Interior Architects.


15.02 Ülle Pihlak / EBSi dotsent / lecturer of Estonian Business School

Kultuuriliste eripäradega arvestamine suhtlemisel Aasia äripartneritega / Cultural differences with Asian business partners

22.02 Marko Kiisa / CEO, Aus Design

Journey from corporate banking to ethical entrepreneurship: „My story about what took me from conventional banking to sustainable entrepreneurship. What formed my views, what were the takeaways and why at one point I felt – this can not continue like that. Also a little about what do I consider to be ethical entrepreneurship and why I warmly suggest everybody to consider these principles.“


1.03 Jenni Moberg / CEO, design agent at 0.7 design Ltd

Role of an design agent to expand your brand and find clients. 0.7 design Ltd is a design agency that connects Finnish craftsmen and designers with customers abroad. They also consult companies wishing to be more successful in their field with the help of design.

Loengu toimumist toetab Soome Instituut.

8.03 Aljona Eesmaa / Polhem PR Estonia pressijuht, ajakirja Säde moetoimetaja ja stilist, veebiportaali Portail.ee asutaja ja peatoimetaja ning moeblogija / fashion editor, stylist, blogger

Toode meedia kõverpeeglis / Product in medias distorting mirror.

Sul on valmis toode, millega sa oled rahul, kuid
sa ei tea, kuidas seda laiema publikuni viia? Trükipressiga suhtlemine tundub
ulmeline ning sa ei tea isegi, kust pihta hakata? Võtad siis äkki hoopis ette
sotsiaalmeedia? Või tahad minna otse telesse? On sul üldse väärt infot, mida
jagada – tootefotodest grammatiliselt korrektse pressiteateni välja?

portail.ee/ , behindthescenesprgirl.net/

15.03 Patricia Toti / Master of Arts in Leadership and Training, coach
motivator, consultant

How to turn negative experience into the positive outcome?

Looking at limiting beliefs such as self-sabotage, fear, addictions etc
and how to replace them with artistic confidence and productivity. More
positive than negative. Conflict resolution and networking skills.

22.03 Martin ja Marje Eelma / graafilised disainerid / graphic designers

Mis on graafiline identiteet? / What is graphic identity?

Ettevõtte/toote graafilisest identiteedist, kuidas valmib kataloog/raamat/trükis ja fotode trükiettevalmistuse tähtsusest.


5.04 Helene Vetik / graphic designer / blogger / enterpreneur

Self presentation in internet.

10 years on the field – evolution of the field and myself.


12.04 Stefan Hiienurm / toote- ja kasutajakogemuse disainer / product designer, UX expert

Kasutajamugavus + äri + disain + esteetika / User experience + business + design + esthetics

Stefan juhib Thorgate`i (digitaalne tooteagentuur kontoritega Tallinnas, Londonis ja Oslos) disainimeeskonna tööd, mis tegeleb keerukamate veebi- ja mobiilirakenduste valmistamisega alustades disainist/kasutajatestimisest kuni arenduse ja lõpliku tooteni välja. Lisaks tegeldakse ka riskiinvesteeringutega varajases faasis B2B-suunalistesse startupidesse.


19.04 Aap Piho / tootedisainer / product designer

Disaineri isetegevuse paradoksid / Paradoxes of being a designer

Warm North asutaja ja disainer. Õpime vigadest.


26.04 Stella Soomlais / nahadisainer / leather accessory designer

Kaubamärgi asutamine, ehitamine ja hingeelu / Creating and building up your own brand

Aastaid verd, higi ja pisaraid. Vead kui õppetunnid.


Teisipäeval, 2.05 kell 16.00 (r 426, Estonia pst 7)

Roberta Einer / fashion designer

How to build up a fashion brand in the heart of fashion world?

Luxury Womenswear designer Roberta Einer moved from her hometown of Tallinn to London to study on the prestigious fashion courses at Central Saint Martins and the University of Westminster. During her studies she completed internships with Mary Katrantzou and Alexander McQueen, before moving to Paris upon graduation to assist at Balmain for a year where she continued to develop her craft. Establishing her label upon her return to London, the Roberta Einer brand is now in its third season creating experimental, luxury womenswear which focuses on textiles and working with traditional couture techniques. Her innovative designs have been featured in the likes of American Vogue, Teen Vogue, Dazed & Confused, HUNGER and i-D Magazine.


Lectures are given in English or translation is provided.

Lisainfo: Merle Lobjakas, merle.lobjakas@artun.ee, tel 6267348.

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Disaini­­teaduskond Akadeemiline kalenderAvatud loengud