“Place Oddity” at EKA Gallery 04.03.–02.04.2016

Ground control to Major Tom, I can hear my inner room –

The exhibition invites the visitor to a journey through spatiality, temporality, and subjectivity. More precisely, the show draws attention to those places that produce a limbo or liminal condition when occupying them, like a passage into a heightened consciousness. We refer to odd places as the corners of life, those eerie zones which create a sense of being in-between… a non-ordinary state of accommodation. These zones invite retrospection, address alternative orders and facilitate critical distancing.

Odd places are compellingly attractive, yet also intimidating and uncanny (strangely familiar). Our odyssey binds therefore embodied imagination, social order and the production of the space, showing their reciprocal defining. The artworks included in the show explore radically different senses of place, rendering fundamental notions such as identity, agency and normality.

Participating artists:
Inmates of Tallinn Prison
Flo Kasearu
Mihkel Kleis
Triin Pitsi
Lilli-Krõõt Repnau
Paco Ulman
Ingel Vaikla
Vello Vinn
Kristina Õllek

Graphic design by Ott Kagovere
Exhibition is open till 2.04.2016

Thanks to: Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo, Ott Kagovere, Merilin Talumaa, Aksel Haagensen, Maret Miljan, Aljona Toporkova, Patrick Laviolette, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn University and the research project ‘Culturescapes in transformation: towards an integrated theory of meaning making’

Supported by Saku brewery

Partners: Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center and Tallinn Music Week

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Posted by Keiu Krikmann