Workshop EKAs: Visions of our Communal Dreams 4-6.10 Kiriku plats 1

Rüütelkonna hoone

Algus k.p.:

Lõpp k.p.:

Tere tudengid,

20 tudengil avaneb võimalus osaleda tasuta välislektorite poolt elluviidud koolitusel Vision of Our Communal Dreams (, kus õpitakse digitaalmeedia oskusi ning protsesse, mis on seotud tööga sellistes virtuaalkeskkondades nagu Second Life ja OpenSimulator. Kursuse raames rakendavad osalejad oma uusi oskusi koos Visions of Our Communal Dreams loovmeeskonnaga. Lisaks õpetatakse osalejatele sotsiaalse koostöö ja suhtluse metoodikaid, mis arendavad grupitöö oskust ja laiendavad koostöövõimalusi virtuaalkeskkonnas.



Kuupäevad ja kellaajad:

Reede 04 ja laupäev 05.oktoober 2013

09.00 – 13.00

14.00 – 18.00

Pühapäev 06.oktoober 2013

14.00 – 18.00


Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Kiriku plats 1- ruum 210.

Workshopile registreerimine:

Koolitusel saab osaleda 20 inimest.

Registreerimine on avatud kuni kolmapäev 3.oktoober kell 17.00 ja koolitus on tasuta.

Osalejatelt ootame:

Üldised arvuti-alased teadmised (s.t. arvuti kasutamine igapäevaselt)

Soov kasutada virtuaalmaailmu (s.t. me tahame õpetada inimesi, kes tahavad osaleda ning antud tehnoloogiat kasutada)

Inglise keele oskus.

Töötoa käigus osalejad:

Saavad ülevaate avataride ja virtuaalmaailma ajaloost, tehnoloogiast ja potensiaalidest

Omandavad avataride ning virutaalmaailmade sisu loomise jaoks vajalikke digitaalmeedia oskusi ning metoodikat

Kasutavad oma värskelt omandatud oskusi, et luua virutaalkeskkonnas

Arendavad avataride suhtluse ja koostöö strateegiaid virtuaalkeskkonnas

Arutavad, millist mõju omavad avatarid ja virtuaalmaailmad tulevikus nende eludele


Michael Takeo Magruder (b.1974, US/UK) is an internationally recognised visual artist and researcher based in the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London who works with digital and new media including real-time data, immersive environments, mobile devices and virtual worlds. His practice explores concepts ranging from media criticism and aesthetic journalism to digital formalism and computational aesthetics, deploying Information Age technologies and systems to examine our networked, media-rich world.

In the last ten years, Michael’s projects have been showcased in over 250 exhibitions in 30 countries. His research focuses on the intersections between contemporary art, emerging technology and interdisciplinary practice, and his writings have been widely published. In 2010, Michael was selected to represent the UK at Manifesta 8: the European Biennial of Contemporary Art and several of his most well-known digital artworks were added to the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art at Cornell University.


Drew Baker (b. 1968, UK) is a Research Fellow within the Department of Digital Humanities, Kings College London. One of the founding members of the King’s Visualisation Lab he has worked in the field of 3D visualisation and interpretation of archaeology and history since 1997. He specialises in the use of 3D systems, employing technologies ranging from interactive web-based platforms like VRML and Unity3D to shared virtual environments such as Second Life and OpenSimulator. His primary areas of interest concern developing real-time 3D environments that transform consumers of humanities scholarship into active participants and researching issues surrounding the long-term preservation of digital cultural heritage.


Leanne Hammacott has worked as Creative Producer for body>data>space since its formation in 2005, coming from a background in dance/body and technology. Leanne works on rehearsal direction and content development for our performance and telematic workshops such as NESTA idiscover, and leads on the development of the education learning experiences. Leanne is project producer of ‘Robots and Avatars – our colleagues and playmates of the future’ exploring how young people will work and play with new representational forms of virtual and physical life in 10-15 years time. She produced the recent EU Culture 2007-13 projects Post Me_New ID, Robots and Avatars, MADE and E-MOTIONAL.


Koolitus on tehtud koostöös Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, British Council Estonia ja Tallinna Kultuurikatel.

Kultuurikatla kontakt:

Mihkel Salm
Project manager
GSM: +372 562 011 28
Skype: mihkel.salm

Teate edastas:

Kelli Turmann

Ettevõtlus- ja karjäärikonsultant / Entrepreneurship and career consultant    EKA teadus- ja arendusosakond / Estonian Academy of Arts R&D department 

Estonia pst 7/Teatri väljak 1   Tallinn 10143   Estonia 
+372 6 267 345

Jaga sõpradega:
Lisa Google kalendrisse

Postitas Gregor Taul
Viimati muudetud
