KTI 20: Kitty Zijlmansi loeng

KTI 20 loenguseeria kuues loeng:

30. mail kell 17.00 Teaduste Akadeemia saalis Kohtu tn 6

KITTY ZIJLMANS (Universiteit Leiden)

Potatoes, Ears, Passports, Homes. What can be the contribution of artistic research to World Art Studies?

Introducing the metaphor of the ‘knight’s move’ from chess allows me
to understand artistic research as an oblique way of looking at and
grasping the world. The ‘knight’s move’ is an odd move not known in any
other game. The knight is the only piece that can move at the beginning
of the game before any pawn move has been made. Above all, it is an
important piece. For me, its actions stand for the importance of art for
our world, referring to both the art works and the way the artist
performs his/her research. After all, in contrast to academic scholars
the artist encounters less scholarly constraints and can move more
freely in between artistic, academic and social expertise and
experience. I see artistic research as the ‘knight’s move’ within a
globalizing world. From examples of contemporary art projects I would
like to explore how art practice based research can gives access to
looking at the world differently.

Dr Kitty Zijlmans on Leideni
ülikooli kaasaegse kunsti ja kunstiteooria professor, kes on üks olulisi
maailma kunstiajaloo (World art studies) eestkõnelejaid.

Loeng toimub inglise keeles ja on avatud kõigile huvilistele!

Loengusarja toetavad: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Briti Nõukogu, Ameerika Ühendriikide Suursaatkond Tallinnas.

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