EKA Museum’s Exhibition to Introduce the Past and Present of Different Disciplines

Ülo Soosteri maal Tartu tänava asfalteerimine (1949) ja Britta Benno teos "Düstoopiline Tallinna Linnavalitsuse hoone" (2019)
EKA atrium, 2nd–4th floor

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On Wednesday, 30 October at 3:30 pm, the exhibition From the Beginning to Today: 1+1 , which celebrates the academy’s 105th anniversary, will open on the 2nd floor of the EKA atrium. About 40 individual works, series or sets of student works by 52 authors are exhibited at the exhibition introducing the different departments of  EKA. All works displayed at the exhibition belong to the EAAM’s collection, whose rich treasures are still waiting to be explored. The exhibition is open on all workdays until 18 November.


The exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of EKA presents all disciplines currently taught at the academy, each with two works: one from the early days of the school and the other from the present time. Liberal arts, including painting, sculpture, drawing, print art, photography, scenography, animation and new media, as well as applied arts, design and architecture, are presented as thematic groups on the three levels of the atrium. Scientific research has not been left out either: a satellite exhibition at the library presents research papers selected based on the same principle.

Although the exhibition presents the entire kaleidoscope of disciplines, the principle of selection – only two works or series from each art field, with the old and the new items displayed side by side – the intent of the exhibition is not to provide a comprehensive overview. On this occasion, the focus is on individual works. Each selected piece creates a visual or substantive connection with its partner, as well as with adjacent works. In this way, works depicting the urban space, such as Ülo Sooster’s social realist graduation project and the PhD student Britta Benno’s hybrid drawing with an animation projection from her Dystopic Tallinn series are shown side by side, and a phone model and drawings from 40 years ago form a pair with the project for a digital ring that would allow lovers to keep in touch over a long distance, etc. The accompanying texts on the labels make it possible to put together a historical picture, piece by piece, which is presented in a more comprehensive form in the publications celebrating EKA’s anniversary.

The exhibition was created in close cooperation with the EKA departments and participating artists.

Curator: Reeli Kõiv

Participating artists, designers, architects and scholars:
Ülo Sooster, Jaan Vares, Bruno Tomberg, Aulin Rimm, Pilvi Ojamaa, Laur Tiidemann, Triin Marts, Edith Karlson, Britta Benno, Ene Pikk, Cloe Jancis, Julia-Maria Linna, Sander Joon, Anu Laura Tuttelberg, Arthur Arula, Varvara Guljajeva (Varvara@Mar), Katrin Kabun, Andra Jõgis, Nils Hint, Henri Papson, Raul Polding, Nesli Hazal Akbulut, Ellen Tamm, Herbert Preisman (Prees), Aino Toppi, Merilin Meremaa, Ruth Huimerind, Kelian Luisk, Merike Männi, Maria Port, Üllar Karro, Risto Bruus, Janika Vesperg, Peep Ainsoo, J. Kurvet, Vello Laanemaa, Irina Tširitš, Tõnu Kallas, Lembit Remmelgas, Leili Rummel, Anneliis Aunapuu, Ülo Kulgver, Raine Karp, Rein Kersten, Ell Väärtnõu, Veiko Vahtrik, Hain Toss, Evgeniya Dolgopolova, Hilkka Hiiop, Mart Kalm, Elnara Taidre, Olesja Katšanovskaja, Mati Kahu

Graphic design: Mikk Heinsoo (StuudioStuudio)
Designer: Maria Kristiina Ulas
Technical realisation: Heldur Lassi

See the entire programme of events to celebrate the 105th anniversary of EKA here: artun.ee/EKA105.


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Posted by Andres Lõo

Museum Exhibitions