LONGING: I Didn’t See You Coming, 2018: oxidized brass, polished brass, silver, cast gold bronze remnant of longing, 35 x 22 x 8 cm, 3650 grams / 3.65 kilos, photographer: Sigrid Kuusk
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Join us for the opening on Friday, March 29, at 6 PM, with a special performance by the EKA Choir at 6:15 PM.
We are all born with a knowing pain in our soul, and this innate understanding is loneliness: a deep ache for another to fill the cavity we cannot otherwise fill, sincere desperation that seamlessly moves from the emotional and psychological to the physical. It is an agonizing progression: painful in the utter dissection of the self with each invitation and rejection, each a beautiful and grounded humiliation where we no longer even recognize ourselves as we wholly long for someone to alleviate the paralyzing fear of dying alone.
When the other, it seems, is and has always been absent, the suffocation of loneliness becomes far more than a feeling – it becomes an insanity of our own making. We are driven mad by an endless and relentless pursuit for a chosen other with a bittersweet and intoxicating need that is simultaneously exciting and devastating, loving and heartbreaking. And it is this longing, this intense and unforgiving emotion, that will slowly and decidedly kill us.
Erinn M. Cox is a jewellery artist from the United States, currently residing in Tallinn, Estonia. She holds a BFA in sculpture and photography from Florida State University, an MFA in sculpture and installation from the Memphis College of Art and is currently pursuing an MA degree in Jewellery at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Erinn is a published writer on contemporary art and design, an adjunct professor of Fine Arts and Art History, and is the founder and writer for the online journal Louise & Maurice (www.louiseandmaurice.com)
For more about the artist, visit www.erinnmcox.com
Erinn will give a personal tour of the exhibition on Tuesday, April 16 at 5:30 pm.