NART Open Lecture: Motohara & Kabo and Wardega & Zeckel

EKA, A-101

Start Date:

Start Time:

End Date:

21 September at 17.45 (room A-101).

The first lecture will be given by two artists’ duos.

During their residency, Japanese duo Reico Motohara and Kabo invite people to cook with them to get to know the participants better and learn about their stories.

Olga Wardega and Christoph Zeckel created an audiovisual installatsion at Kreenholm factory for the Station Narva festival. The artists explored what meaning this place has in the memories of Narva people and what happens when nature takes over.

In autumn 2023, international artists from the Narva Art Residency will give three lectures at the Estonian Academy of Arts.

They will talk about the practicalities of being a professional artist, what the daily life of an art residency is like and how to get involved in the opportunities offered to artists. Of course, they will also introduce their own creative work.

Lectures take place on three Thursdays at 17.45. They are free of charge and open to all!

The lectures will be held in English.

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Posted by Andres Lõo

Narva Art Residency Open Lectures