Storytelling as a Survival Kit at Vent Space

Storytelling as a Survival Kit
Vabaduse väljak 6/8, Tallinn

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On December 17th at 5-7PM “Storytelling as a Survival Kit” will be opened at Vent Space. The project is a common ground for narratives derived from the Maria Kapajeva led course “Storytelling in Visual language” at the Estonian Academy of Arts.

Stories are passed on from generation to generation and have been so since the existence of humankind through various narrative methods. As a survival kit, ‘storytelling’ takes a different shape and is varied according to the situation it needs to struggle in. From a lichen’s or fox’s folktale, from a life of shadows to an inclusive conversation, one story leads to another. Any way, for any story to survive, it needs to be told. This exhibition presents the young artists’ attempts to find new approaches for seeking, developing, and narrating through their practice.

Exhibiting artists: Áron Tihanyi, Birna Sísí Jóhannsdóttir, Camilla Kulmala, Gregor Pankert, Janosh Heydorn, Jonas Morgenthaler, Julia Tyszka, Kamilé Vasiliauskaitė, Keawalee Warutkomain, Robin Isenmann, Stuti Bansal.

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Posted by Andres Lõo

Vent SpaceVent Space Blog