Frequently Asked Questions

Who should apply?

We are seeking young people with broad horizons and open minds that are interesting in learning. Experience in working with clay is useful in order to ensure one has made the right choice, but it is not necessary. However, a previous interest in art is beneficial. This can be expressed in the courses the students have taken, hobby groups they have attended, books they have read and exhibitions they have visited.

There are many aspects to working in ceramics – form, colour, as well as the picturesque, graphic, useful, abstract, etc. However, ceramicists must also have the patience and persistence to realise their ideas. Quite often, the result does not live up to expectations because ceramics is actually a symbiosis of people and the forces of nature (fire, water, ground, physics and chemistry). Experimenting and trying again and again is the everyday reality of ceramics. Therefore, we welcome enterprising, daring and experimenting entrants.

The life of a ceramicist can be solitary, but one must often ask for someone’s help or offer it oneself – regarding technological questions, when participating in wood-fired processes, or solving transport problems. The readiness to cooperation in the simplest undertakings is always a plus. However, what’s most important is that you are interested in the speciality and in learning!

Must I have worked with clay before?

No. But it is good if you are sure that you like it.

Do I need to bring completed, fired ceramic items to the interview?

No, but if you have them, make a selection based on your sixth sense and bring along one or two that you think are successful. You can photograph the others and add them to your portfolio.

What should I do if I’m not admitted? 

You can always try again. Analyse your exam results. The grades will tell you what your weak subjects are. Try to develop your skills during the year. Ask for advice. The number of times you apply is not limited. You have an advantage if you know what to expect. You will leave the impression that you are really sure of your choice.

How can I prepare for the entrance assignments?

The assignments are kept secret until the day of the exam. Still you can practice using paints and brushes, refresh the fundamental truths of composition. The main thing is to trust oneself. Don’t look to see what the others are doing. Think for yourself, concentrate. You can practice for the drawing and painting assignments by setting up and painting still lifes, or asking your family members to pose for you. It is very useful to visit exhibitions and concentrate on what you have seen. Looking at art books is also good practice.