Art and public-social space


In this research field, the  focus is set on public space and objects, including historical heritage issues. It analyses existing public space, its historical and social context and contemporary challenges. In addition, addresses educational issues including the role and impact of art in shaping and interpreting public space. This research strand will support an interdisciplinary approach that brings together art, heritage culture, architecture, urban planning and social sciences, promoting an understanding of the importance and potential of public space in contemporary society.

Ongoing Projects:

“Monumendi uued raamid”, koostöös EKA kunstikultuuri teaduskonnaga.

Completed Projects:



Photo: II World War memorial at Lõupõllu: Author Edgar Viies. Photo: Kultuurimälestiste register / Keidi Saks, 2018


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Posted by Kati Saarits