Heterologic developments in Estonian contemporary culture and transition period

Photograph by Kaja Pae made in Luunja

This theme focuses on the aesthetic and institutional transformations that have taken place in Estonian culture since the 1980s and how they relate to changes in political and socio-economic frameworks. The NüKUT Research Group of Contemporary Estonian Culture, which brings together researchers from different disciplines, allows for a comparative analysis of the resonance of cultural changes in different artistic practices: literature, visual culture, theatre and film. Every year, conferences titled “Etudes in Contemporary Culture” are organised, and a series of collected articles of the same name is produced. One of the research area’s outputs is Volume No. 7 of the “History of Estonian Art”.

Research projects connected to the theme:

The impact of reintegration with the west on the Post-Soviet Estonian visual culture (2025-2026)

Patterns of development in Estonian culture of the transition period (1986-1998) (PRG, 2020-2024)

Publishing the “History of Estonian Art” (1999-2025)

Patterns of development in contemporary Estonian culture (MOBERC, 2016-2017)

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Posted by Annika Tiko