Manor heritage research


Investigation and conservation of historical manors and manor interiors. Documentation of various layers of historical interiors, determining the level of possible conservation and the cultural and art historical value.
Updating and developing the portal into an inclusive platform (incl. creating and testing of the prototype for a new home page, structuring and digitisation of archival materials);
Examples of manor heritage research: Voltveti (2010); Koeru (2011 – 2018); Kolga (2014); Lihula (2014, 2019, 2020); Vana-Võidu (2016 – 2018); Õisu (2016, 2018); Sagadi (2018).

Principal investigators: Riin Alatalu, Hilkka Hiiop
Research and development staff: Triin Talk, Andres Uueni jpt.
Financing institutions: National Heritage Board et al.

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Posted by Irene Hütsi