ZACH LIHATSH 5.oktoobril kell 18 ehte-ja sepakunsti erialas

Ehte- ja sepakunsti osakond, Estonia pst 7, rm 221

Algus k.p.:


Kolmapäeval, 5.oktoobril kell 18 esineb ehte-ja sepakunsti erialas loenguga ameerika kunstnik, sepp ja disainer Zach Lihatsh.
Zach Lihatsh viibib Eesti Kunstiakadeemias artist-in-residence programmi raames ning juhendab sepakunsti eriala II ja III kursuse üliõpilasi.

Loeng toimub Estonia pst 7, II korrus ruum 221.

Artist statement:
I strive to explore the tension between industry and the organic. I choose forged steel as my primary method. I do this because forged steel retains an industrial weight as it simultaneously can be made plastic and non linear. Within this merging duality I find a larger narrative. These feelings resonate with my own interests in understanding how we as a people seek to find balance in the world. A balance of our own.
The industrial ruins that dot the American landscape inspire some forms in my work. Other forms are directly related to anatomy and the human body. A recent body of work explores the aesthetic nature of graffiti that dominates these industrial ruins. It is my goal to explore the flux of human impact on the natural world and to comment on our social and physical impact through this exploration.

Zachary Lihatsh is an artist, designer, and blacksmith. Born and raised in New Hampshire, Zach later settled in Arizona where he established his studio. He received his undergraduate degree form Prescott College in northern Arizona and is currently an MFA candidate at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. He has taught blacksmithing at high school and college levels as well as assisting at the Penland School of craft in North Carolina. He has exhibited work nationally and internationally. His Public art commissions can be seen in Tucson, Arizona and at The University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

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