“WinLab” at EKA Gallery 05.–31.07.2019

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Join us for the opening of ”WinLab” by Mia Tamme and Paul Grünenwald on July 5 at 5 PM. Entrance to the EKA Gallery from the Kotzebue street.

WinLab Is an interactive installation about competitiveness and identity. The interaction is based on a questionnaire: The player is given two options for each question and within a limited time the player has to pick their preference. The choices of each player are recorded to generate a personality evaluation. The exhibition is open until July 31.

Mia Tamme was born and raised in Estonia, Paul Grünenwald in Germany. They are both current students of the Man and Media department at Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands. Mia works with moving and still images but expands her practice to designing platforms in the shape of interfaces, workshops and events. Paul has studied film and scenography, following a spatial and architectural approach, on the other hand, a theoretical side looking into political structures and participatory systems. They share an interest in pushing design beyond being merely lipstick on a pig. WinLab is their first collaborative exhibition and in many ways a search for their own practice. 

The exhibition is supported by Tallinn Airport and Põhjala Brewery 

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Posted by Pire Sova
