Photo: Tõnu Tunnel
EKA, A501
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On 1–2 February 2024, a workshop to support the supervisors of artistic doctoral theses will be held in cooperation with the Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and Baltic Film, Media and Arts School (BFM).
The workshop will be conducted by Prof. Leena Rouhiainen (University of the Arts Helsinki)
The workshop will take place at the Estonian Academy of Arts (room A501)
Please register by 30 January HERE.
February 1, 2024
10.15–10.30 Welcome coffee
10.30–12.00 The degree requirements of the Doctoral Programme of Artistic Research in Performing Arts, Theatre Academy, Uniarts Helsinki
- Theatre Academy’s definition of artistic research
- The examination and publishing process of the artistic doctoral research
- How to structure and expose the artistic doctoral research (artistic components, publishing opportunities)
12.00–12.45 Lunch break
12.45–14.00 The curriculum of the Theatre Academy’s doctoral programme
- How the doctoral programme and curriculum supports the transition from artist into artist-researcher and the engagement of the doctoral candidate with the doctoral and research community of the Theatre Academy and wider Uniarts
- 1st year mentoring/contact teacher, orientation ABCD/EFGH/XYZ, annual teaching weeks focusing on the first two years of study
14.00–14.30 Coffee break
14.30–16/16.30 Formal parameters of supervision at the Theatre Academy’s doctoral programme
- The instructions, supervisor agreement, responsibilities, ethical guidelines and review, supervision process and supervision training
17.30 Premiere of “Creative Science” series of short films introducing Estonian artist-researchers
SuperNova Cinema, NOVA Building of BFM (Narva mnt 27), 4th floor, room N406
Before the films Prof. Leena Rouhiainen’s short lecture “Notes on Artistic Research”.
February 2, 2024
09.00–11.00 Practical considerations in supervision
- Individual aspects of supervision – the supervisor doctoral student relationship, ethical review and research ethics.
11.00–12.00 Lunch break
12.00–13.30 Practical considerations in supervision
- Supporting doctoral candidates in the final phase, other items on best practices and challenges
13.30–14.00 Coffee break
14.00–15.30 Conclusions and future steps
Irene Hütsi
Coordinator of Doctoral School
Workshop is co-financed by European Union, activity “Cooperation between universities to promote doctoral studies”.