KTI 20 loengusarja kolmas loeng: Keith Moxey

Asukoht: Teaduste Akadeemia saalis (Kohtu tn 6)



Contemporaneity, Or What Time is Tomorrow

A debate currently rages about the temporal status of “the contemporary.” The death of modernism and the failure of the concept of the “postmodern” to afford a satisfying shape to the protean nature of the “now” have led a number of theorists to argue that we have come to the end of time—that we live in a featureless contemporaneity. Moxey argues that the failure to recognize differences in time fails to come to terms with our awareness of the multiplicity or heterochronicity of times in a postcolonial situation. It also fails to account for the anachronic time of the work of art with its capacity to break or make its own time—“aesthetic” time.

Professor Keith Moxey on kunstiajaloolane ja -teoreetik, töötab hetkel Columbia Ülikooli Barnardi kolledžis. Ta on avaldanud mitmeid olulisi käsitlusi kunstiajaloo historiograafiast, samuti 16. sajandi Põhja-Euroopa maalikunstist ja graafikast, näiteks The Practice of Persuasion: Paradox and Power in Art History (2001); The Practice of Theory: Poststructuralism, Cultural Politics, and Art History (1994); Peasants, Warriors, and Wives: Popular Imagery in the Reformation (1989).

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