Partnerite pühadetervitused

Vabariigi Presidendi Kantselei pühadetervitus, mille kujundas EKA tudeng Katariina Kesküla

Jagame meie heade partnerite pühadetervitusi…

Here we will share the holiday greetings from our good partners…

Universidade Catolica Portuguesa

National Academy of Art – Sofia

– Det Kongelige Akademi

– The Team of the University of Silesia

Dear Colleagues from the Transform4Europe Alliance,

During upcoming days we will take time to reflect upon the good things we have… like our partnership with you! Our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our success possible. Thank you for a great year, and we wish you all the best as you embark on the new year ahead.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!

– Lasalle College of the Arts
Dear Partner,

On behalf of everyone at LASALLE College of the Arts, we would like to thank you for your invaluable support this year and look forward to working with you again in the future.

Wishing you, your family, friends and colleagues a joyful holiday season ahead!

– OCAD University
Image: 2022, The Barn, OCAD University Graduate Mathieu Larone, coloured pencil. Artist Statement: For us the holidays are about the small rooms we stuff ourselves in with the people we love. – Mathieu Larone

– Art Academy of Latvia

Dear Partners!

Warmest thoughts and best wishes from Art Academy of Latvia. Peace, Joy, Success and lovely Holidays!

Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet

– Bauuhaus-Universität Weimar
We’d like to wish you a very happy holiday season and a happy New Year.

Thank you for your collaboration and continued support. We look forward to working with you together in 2023!

– VMU T4E Team

– Birzeit University, Palestine

Dear colleagues and partners,

On the occasion of Christmas and New Year 2023, we extend our warm wishes to you from the Birzeit University, the Office of External Academic Relations.

Have a wonderful season of festivities and celebrations.

– Viru keskus

Vahel kannab elukeeris meid kuhugi mitme tee ristumispaika, sundides peatuma ja valima, missugune tee meid kõige kaugemale kannaks. Sellistel hetkedel tasub meeles pidada, et ehk ei olegi olulisim teekonna pikkus, vaid kulgemise kvaliteet ja seltskond, kellega teekonda jagame.

Meie oleme sel aastal püüdnud igapäevaselt abivajajaid märgata ja neid läbi Punase Risti annetustegevuse taas rajale aidata. Kutsume teidki jõulupühade eel kingituste asemel ühise mineku võimalikkusesse panustama.

Nõnda on kooskäidud aeg rikkam ja teekond helgem.

Lumekerget ja andmisrohket pühadeaega!

– Vaal galerii

Jaga sõpradega:

Postitas Solveig Jahnke
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