Vent Space (Vabaduse väljak 6/8, Kunstihoone sisehoov)
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Performance by Heleliis Hõim and Irmeli Terras at Vent Space project space on 6 May, 6-9.30 pm.
A person never wants to feel that they are truly alone. You want to feel protected and guided by some higher power or feel that your choices are directed by someone else, because the most terrifying realisation is that you are alone and that you alone have the responsibility to choose. According to the theory of the origin of beliefs, worshipping objects bestowed with a greater power, i.e. fetishism is the oldest kind of religious belief. What do we do with these objects? What do we use them for? In the contemporary consumerist world, this is pure imagology and often carries a promise of a better life and a better me. We have returned to polytheism and reach out to our gods. “I believe in things, I want things, therefore I am.”
Irmeli Terras, person?, consumer, fetishist, pagan, artist. She studies human psychology and their actions when it comes to consumerism, religion, the occult, fetishism and imagology. She creates performances in which she incorporates various media: sound, vocals, video, dance, installation.
Heleliis Hõim, person, consumer, pagan-being, artist. Consumed media: painting, performance, sculpture, video, dance, sound. A childhood spent in the forests of Estonia convening with the trees and other beings. A consumer of art and culture. A fetish for new materials.