39 TOWN HALLS. Estonian Academy of Arts 3rd year architecture student projects (2009-2012)

Editors: õppejõud Andres Ojari, Ilmar Valdur, Markus Kaasik ja tudengid Laura Linsi, Roland Reemaa ja Siim Tiisvelt

Designers: Laura Linsi, Roland Reemaa ja Siim Tiisvelt

“39 City Halls” is not a summary of the final projects completed within three years, but a retrospective study of the ideas on which the students worked in these years. The book is divided by interviews with guest lecturers and critics who open the topic of a public building and its importance in the urban space in a wider context.

ISBN 978-9949-467-39-6

Publisher: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond, 2013

Language: Estonian / English

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Posted by Pille Epner