During a joint project with Swedbank, students explored how emerging new technologies and regulations could impact our relationship with money and banking.
During interviews of the research phase, student Ching Chun Yang noticed that her subjects unanimously expressed their concerns about impulsive shopping. It prevented them from saving money to ful ll their actual dreams. Her target group desired to have more control over their nances, and Ching Chun set out to give them exactly that.
Inspired by our childhood saving experiences, she came up with a personal financial assistant Piggy — an AI-powered and voice- controlled smart home device. Piggy would connect to the bank, draw up a savings plan based on the users’ needs, and enable them to ful ll it by gestural control, simply tapping in the money. Almost like one used to do as a kid.
Supervisors: Kristjan Lember, Amid Moradganjeh
Swedbank is the largest bank in Estonia as it has more than 800 000 private and 139 000 business customers.
Project Author:
Ching Chun Yang