Master in Graphic Design

The Master of Arts (MA) in Graphic Design at the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) is a new two year, English language program intended to develop a student’s independent practice and define their position as a graphic designer. The program takes an expanded view of graphic design, seeing it as a form of knowledge production whose role can be understood as a way of ‘making things public.’ This idea is supported by providing opportunities for students to work through both traditional models of graphic design—books, websites, posters, typefaces, videos—but also to publish texts, organize exhibitions, host lectures, teach workshops, and create other contexts for exchange during their studies.

Fast Facts

Duration / Volume
2 years / 120 ECTS

Form of Study
Daytime studies

Level / Language
MA / English

Tuition Fee
2900€ / per year

Read more about the curriculum
01 February – 03 March 2025

Must hold a bachelor’s degree

Language Requirements
English proficiency at B2 level

Read more about admissions


The program places the individual interests and concerns of the student at the centre of their studies, with the making of a body of work which considers their own relationship to form, content, production, and the distribution of information. While this will identify itself differently for each student, what they will share is a form of practice which is self-reflective, process oriented, rigorous and intentional, and one which consistently holds an honest position in response to the fluctuating conditions of work as a graphic designer. Students will actively question the medium as a whole, consider its ability to engage meaningfully in social and cultural contexts, practice new ways of making work and expressing form, and contribute to the contemporary development of the discipline.

Graphic Design MA programme online info session 2025

EKA Graphic Design MA program invites prospective students to join the online info session on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 17:00 EET (local Estonian time). This will be an opportunity to hear more about the program, to meet and ask questions ...

Call for applications: EKA admissions 2023

Starting from February 1, 2023, Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) is welcoming applications for its thirteen international Master’s and PhD programmes in art, design, ...