Adrianus Kundert open lectur: New Crafts

Adrianus Kundert open lectur: New Crafts
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Adrianus Kundert is a Dutch designer working on products and spatial design and is an enthusiastic basketry maker. Playfulness, experimentation and a delicate application of both colors and materials characterize his design language. His hands-on working method vouches for groundbreaking projects – materialized ideas twisting techniques into new crafts.

Adrianus: ”The projects I especially enjoy working on tend to push boundaries. Currently I am exploring the world of basketry and organizing my initiative Basketclub. Besides I work on product and spatial design for clients such as: Jongeriuslab, Susan Bijl, Crafts Council and Envisions.”

In this lecture Adrianus Kundert will take you on a journey through his working method, highlighting some projects that he worked on so far. With his playful and experimental approach Adrianus works on a very diverse range of projects within the scope of product design; all coming forth out of an hands-on making attitude while designing. The outcome of this process is often craft oriented, and tries to push the boundaries in an attempt to bring something new to these techniques. Recently he has been focussing on basketry, and in the lecture he will also explain more about his initiative Basketclub, that brings designers from around the world together on the theme of basketmaking. Finally, he will end the lecture by sharing his vision and what questions drive him while working on new designs.

The lecture is in English.

The lecture is brought to you by EKA Accessories and Bookbinding Department

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Posted by Andres Lõo

Accessory Design Open Lectures