Botik (Põhjala tehas, Marati 5a, Tallinn)
Botik (Põhjala tehas, Marati 5a, Tallinn)
Start Date:
Start Time:
End Date:
In 2023, 25 years passed since the beginning of the Photography bachelor’s program at the Estonian Academy of Arts.
On this occasion, we would like to invite you to the party on April 19 at 7 p.m. in the Botik bar (Põhjala factory, Marati 5a, Tallinn).
In the Program
19:00 Doors
19:30 A welcome by the Professor Marge Monko
20:00 Quiz – registration on the spot!
21:00 Kristjan Glück
21:30 Cake
Ahto Külvet (Psühhoteek)
Elisa Margot Winters
Charlotte Chapuis
Taavet Kirja
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