Bachelor’s studies

Textile (Fashion) is one of the three specializations (study directions) in the BA joint curriculum “Fashion, Textile and Accessory Design“.
The entrance exams are the same for all specializations. In the first semester, students from all specializations mostly study together. An introduction to the specialization as well as drawing, color theory, composition, design theory, and digital skills are taught. From the second semester the studies become specialization-based, but some subjects are conducted jointly. The joint curriculum provides a unique opportunity (often missing in many universities) to explore approaches, materials, technologies, and workshops of other specializations, and to integrate them in the creative process. It is also possible to use different workshops (such as wood, metal, glass, graphic design, etc.) and collaborate with other departments both in the Faculty of Design and others in the academy at large.
The first part of the bachelor’s program provides knowledge of materials and technologies. The second part of the program focuses on fashion and interior textiles that consider contemporary design trends. The third part of the curriculum includes specially tailored projects that focus on substantive design problems. Students learn to apply their acquired knowledge and technical skills. Original solutions are developed that express individual ideas while meeting the objectives set in the project. The portfolio allows for assessing one’s skills, to present and position oneself in the design landscape. The specialization takes place with the bachelor’s thesis.
What skills are acquired?
- Problem-solving skills in design in the learned specialization and in a broader social and cultural context.
- Understanding the design process and acquiring specialized technologies, the ability to articulate and express one’s ideas.
- Collaboration skills with professionals in one’s own and other fields.
- Theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the specialization that enable one to work in a company or start one’s own business.