Textile Design

The specialization is an option within the curriculum of Fashion, Textile and Accessory Design.

High-level textile design education

The field of textile has deep cultural and economic meanings, encompassing knowledge and stories from different eras; tradition, and traditional techniques. In modern textile design both old skills and the latest developments in materials and technologies find creative application, which have brought revolutionary changes to the development and refining of textiles. New and exciting textile use often arises from the combination of forgotten skills with modern problem-solving and innovative technologies.

How does learning take place?

Over the course of three years, expertise is acquired about modern material culture, design theories, and methods; skills are developed for integrating them into the creative process. The education provides broad skills for developing ideas, technical knowledge for producing textiles, designing textile products, and developing them to be production-ready.

The curriculum includes theoretical and practical courses, both mandatory and elective. Small study groups ensure individual guidance and immediate feedback for the student throughout the learning process. In addition to specialized technologies, students also learn about the entire design process, from idea to finished product. Proficiency is also acquired in various necessary computer programs (including Adobe Creative Suite, Weave Point).

In addition to textile specialists, interior architects, visual artists, product designers, and fashion designers are involved in teaching and mentoring. Activities often take place in collaboration with other departments, universities, and companies. Collaborative projects provide designers with the necessary problem-solving skills, real-life work experience, and the opportunity to see their creations as actual products.

Future prospects

Graduates of the Textile Department have a wide range of career opportunities. With the acquired knowledge and skills, graduates can focus on personal creative practice in the design or art field, or work as textile designers in companies involved in fashion or interior textile design. Textile design graduates have also continued in doctoral studies, focusing on developing the field through research. Textile design alumni also work as stylists, accessory designers, product developers, display designers, illustrators, retail buyers, or apply their creative skills in other ways.

Autor ja foto_ Emily Cai. Tööstuslik kudumine
Liina_Leo 2018. Foto Marleen Muhuste_
Katariina Kruus, Ann Müürsepp. Foto Gerda Nurk
Autor ja foto_ Arife Dila Demir.AURA, interactive light emitting textile installation, 2019

News and events


Academic Staff Competition: Public Venia Legend Lectures

In April, the public lectures of the Venia legend of the candidates for the 2024 academic staff competition will begin. NB! The password for the videos is Faw1!.ec April 15 in room A-501 Associate professor of Glass Design, head of BA specialty, head of department (1.0 positions) at 11:30 Andra Jõgi lecture "Half empty & fully full" Associate professor of theory and history of Product ...
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“The Story of Nanomaterial No. 399” at EKA Gallery 08.–30.11.2023

The Story of Nanomaterial No. 399 08.11—30.11.2023 Opening: 07.11. at 6 pm Author of the exhibition: Kärt Ojavee Material development team:  Anna Jõgi, Katarina Kruus, Kärt Ojavee, Madis Kaasik in collaboration with Exponential Technologies Ltd. and Gelatex Technologies OÜ with contributions from Marie Vihmar (University of Tartu) Exhibition design: Annika Kaldoja Graphic Design: Pierre ...
Läbi udu

Group exhibition “Through fog and stones” at the Tartu Art House

On 30 June at 5 pm the group exhibition “Through fog and stones”, with works by Katarina Kruus, Liina Leo, Eugenio Marini and Ingrid Helena Pajo, will open in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House. In the exhibition, the artists will regather to weave their creative journeys into one living and breathing organism. As a follow-up to the exhibition projects “Roaming” (ARS Kunstilinnak, ...

Liisa Torsus in the Final of the Dorothy Waxman International Textile Design Prize

Textile artist Liisa Torsus, an alumna of EKA textiles, received an honorable mention in the final of the Dorothy Waxman International Textile Design Prize competition, which is awarded within the framework of NYTM (New York Textile Month), with her thesis "Kimustust ja natid", which means that Torsus got into the top six. More about the Dorothy Waxman International Textile Design Prize with ...
Elav Hõbe näitus_Kaileen Palmsaar foto_Riina Varol

EKA designers at World Design Capital Valencia 2022 exhibition

The exhibition of Estonian sustainable design "Second Chance", organized by the Estonian Association of Designers and the Estonian Academy of Arts, will be opened in Palacio de Colomina in Valencia, on May 9th, featuring innovative sustainable design solutions from more than 20 Estonian designers. The curator of the exhibition is the President of the Estonian Association of Designers, Ilona ...
INTROKAADER pitch_2916sm

New international business opportunities for the design students of EKA

For the first time ever, a course that would help the students get a grasp of the business world and reach international markets was held for the MA-students from fashion, textile, accessories’ and jewellery design departments at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Ending with a rare opportunity to pitch newly refined brands and concepts to influential Scandinavian investors and entrepreneurs, 13th ...
Textile Futures Estonia

Textile Futures exhibition and afternoon

25.09 – 01.10 Exhibition: https://www.facebook.com/events/853305954845876/ 29.09 15.00 Talk: https://www.facebook.com/events/123706798363506/ The ways that materials and garments are created, are in a constant change. There are continuous dialogues between the appearance and functionality of the clothing. Sustainable design examples emerge as alternatives next to the mass production, and ...
Open lecture – 3D Modelling and Printing by Samson Shafran. Mo 4th of September 2017. Estonia pst. 7 room 426 at 2.15 p.m.

Open lecture – 3D Modelling and Printing by Samson Shafran. Mo 4th of September 2017. Estonia pst. 7 room 426 at 2.15 p.m.

by Samson Shafran (Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art) Mo 4th of September 2017. Estonia pst. 7 room 426 at 2.15 p.m. An overview of 3D Modelling and Printing technologies and their impact on the industry both in terms of design process and creative development. – 3D printing technologies, their use and implementation. – Use of 3D modelling software as creative development tool. – ...
  • The Design & Crafts programme provides students with plenty of freedom as well as responsibility. The flexibility of the programme encourages student to try different ways to materialise ideas and learn new techniques and methods beyond their specialisation. The variety of courses and workshops provide a versatile and multifaceted education, giving students a lot of control over their individual paths.
    Marie Vinter
    MA Design & Crafts (Textile Design) ‘17

Student Work

6 Sohva1 Ilona Tell
Annika Kangur 1 Hz Delta