
Theses defended in the Institute of Art History and Visual Culture are archived in our library.

MA and PHD theses can also be found here (since 2013), they also have a summary in English/German (if written in Estonian).

For more info, please contact Annika Toots,

BA thesis in art history

2023 Anni Pajo. “Autsaiderkunsti olemus hilisnõukogude perioodil Linda Lepiku maalide näidetel”. Juhendaja Virve Sarapik, retsensent Sigrid Saarep. Monika Süvari. “Individuaalelamuehituse ...

MA thesis in art history (summary in english)

MA Thesis from 2014 onwards can be found here: 2023 Brigit Arop. Naiste sõprusest kunstis. ...

PhD theses in Art History and Visual Culture

2023 Anders Härm Disobedient bodies. The radical performative practices in art and culture of the 20th and 21st centuries (Allumatud kehad. ...