Master of Contemporary Art

Sophie Durand's installation "[A Bridled White-Eye nest from Agrihan, Northern Mariana Island made from found materials from Agrihan and feathers from a cygnet found dead on the shore of Paljassaare, Estonia on the 18th of March 2021] and other objects" at TASE '22 graduation show. Photo: Joosep Kivimäe
MACA – MA Contemporary Art
MACA is a two-year international program for emerging contemporary artists of different backgrounds intended to guide them during the development of their artistic position. The main focus is on the individual artistic practice, supported by collaborative moments in the curriculum as well as masterclasses and courses introducing a range of artistic methods and platforms for research and critical reflection.
Fast FactsDuration / Volume Form of Study Level / Language Tuition Fee |
Admissions Requirements Language Requirements |
In addition to intensive work in the studios, exhibiting in Estonia and abroad, and working in close collaboration with peers and tutors, students are encouraged to make use of the different facilities at EKA: professional photography and sound studios, workshops for wood- and metalworking, 3D modelling, textile, glass, ceramics, printmaking and many more.
The MACA programme is meant for artists and practitioners who already have an active practice and – while diving deeper into their fields of interest – wish to engage in collaboration, critical exchange and local context. Tallinn has a vibrant contemporary art scene with a number of art institutions and artist-run initiatives, including Vent Space that the students co-run with peers from EKA’s other programs and Uus Rada, an artist-run space initiated by the MACA students at the Raja street studio building. These spaces offer an opportunity to connect with the local art scene, providing an audience and supporting collaboration between colleagues and disciplines.
What does the MACA programme offer?
- Opportunity to assemble your curriculum within a diverse programme that offers theoretical tools and practical training
- Individual tutoring for contemporary artists by contemporary artists
- Access to professional studios of sound art, lens-based art, installation and sculpture and graphic art
- Collaboration with local and international artists, curators, theorists
- A programme of off-site events, study trips, exhibitions, and collaboration with different art institutions
- Student exchange (KUNO, DAMA, ERASMUS)
- Access to and experience of running the student-run Vent Space for all possible forms of art presentation and development
- A critical discursive environment for discussions about making, displaying and thinking about contemporary art and contemporary society
Visit us on Facebook and Instagram to get to know our students!
Find out more about the Estonian art scene in this article by Kate Brown, and this interview with Margit Säde. MA Contemporary Art programme was initiated by Kirke Kangro, Dean of Fine Arts; 2017–2020 the curriculum was lead by Margit Säde; 2020–2022 by Mark Dunhill and Kristaps Ancāns. From 2022, the head of the programme is Anu Vahtra, in 2023 she was joined by Maris Karjatse.
Do not hesitate to apply for MACA if…
… you value the development of your artistic practice; if you’re open for collaboration and critical discussion; if the processes in society matter to you and you are passionate about your surroundings; if you like to think, imagine, create and dream; if you are motivated and ambitious, dedicated and enthusiastic, have creative confidence and critical thinking.