EKA Arh conference 2022: Innovation and Digital Reality 

Photo by Paco Ulman

Innovation and Digital Reality. Design and Innovation

Time: 06 September 2022

Venue: Estonian Academy of Arts, Põhja Ave. 7, Tallinn. Main lecture theatre: A101


Estonian Academy of Arts will host the international conference Innovation and Digital Reality within the framework of Tallinn Architecture Biennale – TAB 2022.

The international research conference Space and Digital Reality took place in Tallinn on September 12, 2019 looking into the new phenomenon established by the Third Technological Revolution that we called Digital Reality. The keynote lectures and several presentations painted a picture for the design-based disciplines of what could be expected: Antoine Picon about the hybridisation of atoms and bits; Mario Carpo about the consequences of brutal computation and Roland Snooks about advanced algorithmic design.

Since 2019, the conference has changed considerably: the pandemic hit global economy and culture with unprecedented force forcing everybody to rebuild their life, business and entertainment habits. The lockdowns catalysed e-commerce, distance learning and work as well as all digital platforms as their foundation. The innovations within Digital Reality have gathered momentum and emerged as a source for entirely new possibilities.


The 4th edition of Oslo Manual 2018 has expanded the concept of innovation far beyond products and processes of business and economy. The concept of innovation actually radiates through all human economy and culture. It has been claimed that for the innovation to be radical, it has to be design-driven. We can see a logical sequence from creativity and invention through design to the entirely new innovations within our life. It can be speculated that design thinking, highly promoted in the last decades, was slightly premature. It is only now with the emergence of Digital Reality that it has come to obtain its full meaning – through digital platforms most of human work becomes design-work.

The key-note presenter is planned Dr. Roberto Verganti.

The presented and peer-reviewed articles will be published in the Proceedings: Innovation and Digital Reality.

All the conference participants will also be the guests of Tallinn Architecture Biennale, which is an international architecture and urban planning festival with a diverse program that promotes architectural culture. TAB encourages synergy between architects and the general public by way of creating contacts and exchanging ideas.


Important dates:

Conference Call: February 5, 2022

Submission deadline for abstracts: Apr 18. Send the abstracts to: jyri.soolep@artun.ee and tiina.tammet@artun.ee

CONFERENCE: September 06, 2022

Submission of full text: Oct 31, 2022 (max 20,000 characters with spaces; max 2 pages of illustrations)

Peer-review feedback: January 20, 2023

Submission of final text: March 1, 2023

Publication June 2023


We ask the participants to research, imagine and speculate about the future of space, architecture, creation, innovation as well as design education in the Era of Digital Reality.


Supported by:

Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Association of Architects, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture, European Regional Development Fund


Panel Discussion

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Conference "Innovation and Digital Reality" on 6th September 2022 in EKA. Photos Evert Palmets

More info


PhD Jüri Soolep

The head of the doctoral programme in the field of architecture and urban planning

Estonian Academy of Arts, Faculty of Architecture
