Leadership and Structure


The Rector is responsible for the everyday management of the university, the general status of the university and its development and the legitimate and effective use of financial resources. The Rector also appoints the vice rectors and determines their field of activity.

Professor Mart Kalm

CV at Estonian Research Information System (ETIS).


Mart Kalm was born in Tallinn into a family of editors. He graduated from Tallinn II Secondary School (currently Tallinn Secondary School of Science). From 1979–1984, he studied history and art history at Tartu University. In 1991, he received a PhD from the Central Scientific Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture in Moscow for his thesis on the architect Alar Kotli. In 1998, he defended his second PhD (= Habilitation) at the Estonian Academy of Arts on Estonian architecture culture during the interwar period.

As an architectural historian, Kalm has mainly studied the work of Estonian architects in the 20th century (before and after World War II). His most important work is the voluminous “Estonian 20th Century Architecture” (2001; Grand Prix of the Estonian Cultural Endowment in 2002). He has written a monograph on architect Alar Kotli (1994; Kristjan Raud Prize) and a book about Olev Siinmaa (2011), which was accompanied by an exhibition. He was awarded the national prize in history for the compilation “History of Estonian Art”, Volume V (1900–1940), published in 2010. He has written an architectural guide, “Functionalism in Estonia: A Guidebook” (1998), and participated in the compilation of several other reference books. In recent years, Kalm has been focusing his research on the architecture of collective farms in Soviet Estonia.

Mart Kalm has been active as an architecture critic and is interested in landscape and interior architecture. In his youth, he also published art and design criticism. He has often expressed his opinion on heritage issues and composed the heritage requirements for the conservation of the Riigikogu (Parliament) building, the Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia and villas at Rüütli 1a and Lõuna 2b in Pärnu. In 2004, he produced a series of TV broadcasts, “Muinas-TV” (Heritage TV).

Kalm has been a long-time member of the Expert Council for Architectural Monuments of the National Heritage Board, as well as the Head of the National Heritage Council from 2006–2010. From 2010–2013, he was the Co-Chair of the Estonian delegation to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

Since 1992, Mart Kalm has been working at the Estonian Academy of Arts. In 2000, he became a professor at the Academy, and from 1994–2007 he built up the Institute of Art History. From 2007–2012 he was the Dean of the Faculty of Art and Culture. In January 2015, he was elected the Rector of the Estonian Academy of Arts.

In 2010, Mart Kalm became the first art historian to be elected a member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Since 2014, he has held the position of Vice-President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.

In 2018, Kalm was elected to the ELIA Representative Board and is also a member of its Executive Group.

Mart Kalm is married to the graphic artist Anu Kalm and they have two adult children, Gustav and Helga.

In 2020, Mart Kalm was re-elected as Rector of the Estonian Academy of Arts for a second term.

(The text may be used under the CC SA-BY 3.0 license.)


Professor Mart Kalm
Phone: +372 626 7300
E-mail: mart.kalm@artun.ee
Office: Põhja pst 7, room D207.2

Vice Rector for Research,
Head of Doctoral School

Anu Allas
Phone: +372 626 7110
E-mail: anu.allas@artun.ee
Office: Põhja pst 7, room D207.1

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, 
Visiting Professor
Anne Pikkov

Phone: +372 626 7302
E-mail: anne.pikkov@artun.ee
Office: Põhja pst 7, room D207.3

Head of Administrative and Financial Affairs 
Andres Tammsaar
Phone: +372 626 7390
E-mail: andres.tammsaar@artun.ee
Office: Põhja pst 7, room D207.4

Dean of Faculty of Architecture
PhD Sille Pihlak
E-mail: sille.pihlak@artun.ee
Office: Põhja pst 7, room D409

Dean of Faculty of Design
Ruth-Helene Melioranski
E-mail: ruth.melioranski@artun.ee
Office: Põhja pst 7, room D401

Dean of Faculty of Art Culture
Professor Hilkka Hiiop
Phone: +372 56577980
E-mail: hilkka.hiiop@artun.ee
Office: Põhja pst 7, room D309.2.1

Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts
Professor Kirke Kangro
Phone: +372 672 6586
E-mail: kirke.kangro@artun.ee
Office: Põhja pst 7, room D300


The Council is a management body responsible for the long-term and sustainable development
of the Academy as well as for important economic, financial and assets-related decisions,
ensuring the achievement of objectives of the Academy.

The Council is made up of nine members:

Kai Lobjakas chairman
Toomas Tammis deputy chairman
Epp Lankots
Maria Mägi-Rohtmets
Kaido Ole
Piret Puppart
Siim Raie
Ene-Liis Semper
Kalle Vellevoog


Council shall commence on 1 January 2025. The Council members are confirmed for five years by the Government of the Republic.


The Senate is the university’s academic decision-making body which is responsible for
teaching and research and development work at the university and ensuring the high quality
of work in those areas. The chairman of the Senate is the Rector.

The Senate is made up of 22 members:

1) Rector Mart Kalm;

2) Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Anne Pikkov;

3) Vice Rector for Research Anu Allas;

4) Head of Administrative and Financial Affairs Andres Tammsaar;

5) Dean of Faculty of Architecture Sille Pihlak;

6) Dean of Faculty of Design Ruth-Helene Melioranski;

7) Dean of Faculty of Art Culture Hilkka Hiiop;

8) Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts Kirke Kangro;

9) Head of Open Academy Elise Jagomägi;

10) Representative of the students Triin Metsla;

11) Representative of the students Katrin-Maria Terras;

12) Representative of the students Hedvig Ehrlich;

13) Representative of the students Elise Lissel Pähkel;

14) Representative of the students  Kristi Laanemäe;

15) Representative of academic staff, Faculty of Architecture Jüri Kermik;

16) Representative of academic staff, Faculty of Architecture Siim Tuksam;

17) Representative of academic staff, Faculty of Design Ott Kagovere;

18) Representative of academic staff, Faculty of Design Piret Hirv;

19) Representative of academic staff, Faculty of Art Culture Virve Sarapik;

20) Representative of academic staff, Faculty of Art Culture Anneli Porri;

21) Representative of academic staff, Faculty of Fine Arts Marge Monko;

22) Representative of academic staff, Faculty of Fine Arts Anu Vahtra


Mart Kalm katusel B&W. R.Võsa-Tangsoo

Mart Kalm

Rector, Professor

+372 626 7300

Anne Pikkov CUMULUS board_M. Raidpere photo

Anne Pikkov

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Visiting Professor

+372 626 7302


Andres Tammsaar

Director of Finance and Administration

+372 626 7390


Anu Allas

Vice Rector for Research, Head of Doctoral School

+372 626 7110


Sille Pihlak

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture

Ruth Melioranski_allikas EKA

Ruth-Helene Melioranski

Dean of the Faculty of Design


Hilkka Hiiop

Dean of the Faculty of Art and Culture, Professor


_MG_4835 (1)

Kirke Kangro

Dean of Fine Arts, Professor
