Exhibition of Clay 3D Printing workshop on 26th of August

Pop-up exhibition of works made during “Clay 3D Printing” workshop is open on Monday, 26thof August from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. in the lobby of the Estonian Academy of Arts.

From August 19th to August 26th the EKA Summer Academy course “Clay 3D Printing” was held in collaboration with EKA’s Open Academy and Department of Ceramics.

The course was led by Jonathan Keep (UK), Kaiko Kivi, Madis Kaasik, Lauri Kilusk, Urmas Puhkan and Kersti Laanmaa.

Helped Ursule Bauzaite and Jaan Viirand.

Participated 12 students and four observers.

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Posted by Kersti Laanmaa