Academic forum ’PLAIN-AIR’ invited students and professors from four architecture schools (RTU, RISEBA, VGTU and EKA) in the Baltic region to study the spatial possibilities for the potential location of the new National Acoustic Concert Hall in central Riga. Latvian Ministry of Culture together with the Latvian State Real Estate have chosen for the location the plots of Elizabete 2 and Kronvalda 6, at the historic bastion belt of the Riga Old Town. As a specific challenge the existing large scale buildings from different periods in history were to be integrated into the new development. The forum workshop addressed the urban possibilities of the chosen location and proposed one possible intervention scenario. The broader objective of the work is to give input to the preparation of an international architecture competition in the future.
Performers: Toomas Tammis, Andres Ojari, Ruuben-Jaan Rekkor, Gregor Jürna, Johan Hallimäe
Client and financier: SJSC „State Real Estate“ / VAS “Valsts nekustamie īpašumi”
Period: 13.10.2020 – 1.12.2020