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Category: Painting
Artist talk on Wendesday 3rd of December at EAA Gallery Space
We would like to draw you attention to the artist talk on Wendesday 3rd of December at the EAA Gallery Space, Freedom Square 6/8. Artists Alina ...
Exhibition by glass art students ”Vision of Invisible”
On 21st of November Estonian Academy of Arts glass art students will open an exhibition “Vision of Invisible” in the foyer of Estonian Academy of ...
Workwear design competition Lindström Award finalist entries express bold use of graphics
The finalists of the international workwear design competition come from Finland, Estonia and Denmark. This year diagonal cuts, prints and crispy ...
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN for Garage48 Hardware & Arts 2015 – the biggest hardware hackathon in the Baltics Garage48 Hardware & Arts will ...
Estonian Academy of Arts –100 years of higher education in fine arts, design, architecture and art culture
This year, the Estonian Academy of Arts celebrates its jubilee. Tallinn’s oldest institution of higher education turned 100 years old on ...
EAA organising two international seminars in copenhagen and stockholm
In two consequent weeks, October 16-18 and 21-23, 2014, the Estonian Academy of Arts is organizing jointly with The Royal Danish Academy of Art ...
Cooperation with LINDSTRÖM
Lindström Award 2014 nominees selected from more than 200 participants Possibility to follow lectures online (scroll down for more) Cooperation ...
High number of international students will begin their studies at the EAA this fall
53 students from mostly European Union, but also from Australia, Russia and Israel will begin their studies at the EAA this autumn. 10 students ...