We are all users of the city to a greater or lesser extent. As residents, working or studying, as entrepreneurs, as visitors. We have more and more reason to ask what a good city is and what kind of a city we would like to live in. What would the best possible Tallinn be like? In this book, the answers to this question are considered by 25 authors from the broad field of urban design, from Estonia and beyond.
Editor: Pille Epner
Compiled by Andres Alver, Douglas Gordon, Kalle Komissarov, Eve Komp, Katrin Koov, Indrek Peil, Renee Puusepp, Johan Tali, Toomas Tammis, Siiri Vallner
Design: Stuudio Stuudio
The book was supported by Kapitel.
408 lk, eesti ja inglise keeles
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuri ja linnaplaneerimise osakond, 2021
ISBN 978-9916-619-22-3