Liveability- Designing public services for resilient neighbourhoods

The aim of the Liveability Partnership is to equip local authorities with design principles and tools that help address the complex and interconnected problems of the 21st century. The goal is to initiate dialogues with leaders to integrate design-driven public interest into city-wide strategies, directing and enabling officials to develop practical neighborhood projects with citizens. To be successful in this transformation process, cities must follow an integrated and balanced approach based on environmental, innovation culture, public service provision, and socio-cultural life, fostering a strong sense of belonging and civic engagement. The idea of the Liveability project originates from the experiences of participating medium-sized cities (Kiel, Kolding, Pori, Gdynia, Riga) in coping with their challenges. A common stance is that the roots of a livable city lie in neighborhoods, and local citizens and civic associations should be involved in the development and implementation of future urban life and coexistence ideas. Therefore, cities must become “closer,” “more public,” and “more active” to citizens. This can be achieved by encouraging innovative thinking, thinking outside the box, and participatory approaches among municipal employees. All of this is encapsulated in the concept of “design driven by public interest,” meaning the application of user-centered design principles to issues of general interest. Collaborating partners: Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Schleswig-Holstein e.V., Kiel City, Danish Cultural Institute, Business Kolding, Guldborgsund Municipality, Pori City, Riga City Council, Gdynia City, Gdansk University of Technology, Politics for Tomorrow. Project period: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025 Funding: Interreg BSR  
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Posted by Hedi Meigas