Unfinished City session lineup at the Tartu Planning Conference
AVAILABLE ON VIDEO: On November 5, 2020, the Tartu Planning Conference was held in Tartu, with a special session on the topics of the joint research project “Unfinished City” of EKA and the City of Tallinn. Due to this year’s pandemic situation, the conference could only be attended digitally; today, all presentations and sessions (in Estonian) are available online.
The different stages of the research project “Unfinished City” were introduced by:
Raul Kalvo (Inphysica technology, EKA): “Digital data from the city”
Katrin Koov (b210, EAA): “Tallinn Green Network”
Indrek Peil (Program, EAA): “Tallinn Centers”
Andres Alver (Alver Architects, EAA): “Tallinn’s future scenarios”
Session leader: Toomas Tammis (Alliance Architects, EAA).
The whole session as a recording.
Plan of the 2020 Tartu Planning Conference.
Research project “Unfinished City”
“Unfinished City” is a three-year broad-based research project conducted by the Faculty of Architecture of EAA in cooperation with the City of Tallinn, which asked what a good and liveable city could be in the 21st century and how it could be expressed in Tallinn’s urban development. The large-scale research project focused on the study of Tallinn’s urban vision and spatial future scenarios. The research was carried out thanks to the support of the real estate company Kapitel, which contributed a total of almost half a million euros to the project over three years. The research project will end in the early spring of 2021 with an exhibition at the Estonian Museum of Architecture and a book summarizing the results of the project.
In previous semesters, planning practices in European cities somewhat similar to Tallinn, the Tallinn panel building district, focusing on Lasnamäe, Tallinn’s green and blue networks, Tallinn city center / centers and the use of computational tools in space creation have been studied within the framework of “Unfinished City”.