The solo exhibition “A Piece of Breed” by Andre Joosep Arming will be opened at Vent Space project space on Wednesday, 3 April 2019 at 6pm.
“A Piece of Breed” tackles the visualisation of a person’s mental state through the physical state in a specific stage of life. The breed helps to observe one’s actions and acclimatisation reflecting human mannerisms. Personal stories that take place in the mentality of the artist. “A Piece of Breed” presents performative installations.
The exhibition will be open 4-9 April, every day 2 pm-7 pm.
Andre Joosep Arming (1995, Tallinn) graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts in photography at BA level in 2018. He is currently studying at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Contemporary Art MA. Arming is interested in understanding and observing the phenomenon of identity, especially on the subject of Breed. Currently, he is working on performative video installations.
Special thanks: Karl-Christoph Rebane, Silvia Sosaar, Aksel Haagensen, Saara Mildeberg, Katrin Enni, Andrus Arming, Milvi Veervald, Kleer Keret Tali, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo