SISU 2016 – Welcome Stranger!

Nomadism is the most pressing issue in today’s world – movement can be voluntary or forced. The SISU symposium will explore the expectations and needs of modern nomadic lifestyles through examples of adaptation to PLACE and settling in a new HOME. Moving and settling down also involve crossing and setting boundaries. We will talk about people’s behavioural patterns and ways of adapting to the contemporary space.

Spatial intelligence can be an ineffable quality, yet also an exact concept that denotes the interrelations between architecture, place and people. It’s the capability to offer solutions and create new things in a different place and culture – a new world influenced by the landscape, the urban environment. How does the architect / designer work in a different cultural context and how does SPACE change in the process?

The 3rd Interior Architecture Symposium SISU titled “Welcome Stranger!” taking place on 1.-3. June in Tallinn, Estonia will focus on nomadism and the impact of human movement on space.

SISU is organised by the Estonian Association of Interior Architects in collaboration with the Department of Interior Architecture of the Estonian Academy of Arts. SISU invites creative people – theoreticians, practitioners and students — as well as people connected to and interested in the field. The symposium programme is also open to those among the broader public who are curious about (interior) architecture and design, the living environment and the social changes affecting it. Welcome Stranger! Welcome friend!

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Posted by Gregor Taul