Vitali Valtanen's master thesis proposes mushroom nurseries for the East Estonia's redundant coal mines
On May 28, the Estonian Academy of Arts will open its annual grad show TASE (LEVEL), in the center of which is the master’s theses exhibition. TASE presents masters of fine arts, architecture, design and art culture, as well as bachelor degree recipients from several specialties.. The main exhibition is accompanied by a versatile program of special exhibitions, defenses, TASE FILM, and more.
Most of the works of the TASE ‘21 Grad Show are exhibited in the EKA building, including the EKA Gallery and the Billboard Gallery. The final works of Contemporary Art, Heritage Protection and Conservation, Jewellery and Ceramics are on display at Patarei Sea Fortress. In Vent Space, ARS Art Factory, one can see degree works from contemporary art and textiles, and in the gallery space at Lastekodu 1, the degree works of the Painting Department are exhibited. TASE ‘21 is open from May 29 to June 18, Tuesday to Sunday from 12 PM to 6 PM. The exhibitions are open in the ARS Project Space and ARS Showroom and in the Vent Space Project Room until June 13.
The private opening for the participants and press will take place on May 28 from 4–5pm and the public vernissage TASE ’21 festival will take place from 5 to 10 pm simultaneously in all five locations of the main exhibition. For safety reasons, a limited number of visitors are allowed on the premises. Visitors are invited to take photos of their favorite works and post them on social media using #ekatase21. Prizes will be drawn between the hashtaggers.
Young Artist Awards
At the opening of TASE ‘21, the master’s level awards for both the Young Artist and the Young Applied Artist will be announced, and the bachelor’s level awards will be announced at the graduation ceremony on June 18.
The MA artist laureate of the Young Artist Award is chosen from among the graduates of the contemporary art specialty and the BA level laureate is chosen from the graduates of the Departments of Photography, Installation and Sculpture, Painting and Graphics. The MA level award includes the possibility of an exhibition at Draakon or Hobusepea Gallery.
The winners of the Young Applied Artist’s MA and BA level awards are chosen from among the graduates of Jewellery and Blacksmithing, Ceramics, Glass, Fashion Design, Accessory Design and Textiles. The MA level award is accompanied by an exhibition in the HOP Gallery.
TASE web exhibition
On June 18, the online exhibition of TASE ‘21 Grad Show will come live on tase.artun.ee , which will give access to a wider audience around the world. In addition to the works in the exhibition, bachelor’s theses and portfolios and written works of the Faculty of Art and Culture will also be available online.
TASE ’21 PROGRAMME – https://www.artun.ee/en/tase-21-2/
TASE Grad Show is supported by: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, A. Le Coq, Tikkurila, Punch, Big Berry, Orkla Estonia
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