Open Lecture Series: 8.10. at 18 – Marjan Colletti (Innsbruck/London)

Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture “Open Lecture Series”

Kanuti Gildi Saal (Pikk 20, Tallinn)

Marjan Colletti (1972) is an Italian architect, scientist and theorist. He graduated from Innsbruck University, where he is the head of the Institute of Experimental Architecture. He acquired a PhD at the Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London, where he is a doctor level professor, director of computing and holds his own studio. He has been teaching in multiple universities in Asia, Europe and America and his writings on design research theories have been extensively published. In addition he has edited the 80th anniversary issue of Architectural Design named Exuberance, that dealt with digital virtuosity in contemporary architecture. He has curated tens of exhibitions and participated at more, multiple Venice Architecture Biennales among others. He is a founder and partner of the London based architecture office marcosandmarjan.

At the Open Lecture Series well-known architects, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought.

The lectures are open to all students and professionals in the fields of architecture, urbanism and other spatial studies, as well as to the broader circle of those interested in the future of our living environment. The lectures are held in English and they are free of charge.

The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

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Posted by Anu Piirisild