In the autumn semester of 2018, the 3rd year students were engaged in visioning the spatial development of the Sõrve Peninsula in Saaremaa municipality. Specifically, public functions were proposed for Sõrve Säär, solutions through 12 different public buildings. This gave the local community and municipality a pretty good picture of how the area could be further developed. Students’ visions are like parallel futures, with which decision-makers can form and consider their opinions, and of course, in all cases, broad-based decisions are always better and more objective.
In the first half of the studio, space visions were addressed to improve the quality of life and the living environment of the Sõrve community and the region.
Six parallel visions of the future were completed as a group work and the results of the analysis were found mainly for the other, practical participant of the studio. Unlike local coursework, the students did not have to look for a specific space program and the same buildings for everyone, but everyone had to individually prepare function building projects based on their vision.
Our goal was to offer both rural municipality and local community activists innovative approaches and fresh ideas that would map Sõrve’s spatial future on a large scale.
Several very important approaches emerge from the analyzes. For example, one important axis is pragmatic vs. visionary, because marginalization does not have to be reduced / optimized when there is no more contraction. In this case a bold and longer-term vision is needed. They show ideas for better and wider communication – sometimes this can be essential in finding a common language in the community.
Students: Margaretha Aus, Art Bogdanovics, Gregor Jürna, Pamela Kristin Kajakas, Johan Kirsimäe, Eneli Kleemann, Mari Poom, Johannes Püttsepp, Ruuben-Jaan Rekkor, Eliisabet Sarv, Markus Varki, Lill Volmer
Supervisors: Elo Kiivet, Kalle Komissarov, Karli Luik ja Johan Tali.
Autumn 2018