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Category: Interaction Design
Interaction Design MA programme online info session 2025
Interaction Design
EKA Interaction Design MA programme invites prospective Master’s students to join the online info session on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 17:00 EET (local Estonian time).
You’ll have an opportunity to hear about the mission and philosophy of the programme, learn about student experiences and see their projects, take a virtual tour in our studios, and meet and ask questions directly from the faculty, students and alumni.
The info session will be hosted online over Zoom. If you would like to attend, please register online through the form below. A link to attend will be e-mailed shortly before the event begins.
Register HERE
More information about the Interaction Design MA ( programme:
Admissions period starts on the 1st of February 2025 and application deadline is 3rd of March 2025.
Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink
Interaction Design MA programme online info session 2025
Wednesday 05 February, 2025
Interaction Design
EKA Interaction Design MA programme invites prospective Master’s students to join the online info session on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 17:00 EET (local Estonian time).
You’ll have an opportunity to hear about the mission and philosophy of the programme, learn about student experiences and see their projects, take a virtual tour in our studios, and meet and ask questions directly from the faculty, students and alumni.
The info session will be hosted online over Zoom. If you would like to attend, please register online through the form below. A link to attend will be e-mailed shortly before the event begins.
Register HERE
More information about the Interaction Design MA ( programme:
Admissions period starts on the 1st of February 2025 and application deadline is 3rd of March 2025.
Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink
Open Lecture: Leonarda Da Costa Custodio on Decoloniality and Design
Faculty of Design
Leonardo Custódio, PhD, is a Brazilian post-doctoral researcher at Åbo Akademi University, Finland. He also co-coordinates the Anti-Racism Media Activist Alliance (ARMA Alliance) and the Finland-Based Activist Research Network. The title of this talk will be “A Conversation on Decoloniality and Design.”
He is an an educator and expert on communication for development and social change. He supports individuals and organizations to understand, develop and promote uses of means of communication available for internal and external strategies grounded on the principles of human rights, social justice, mutual learning and respect. For that, he applies research-based knowledge and dialogue-centered skills to organize workshops, lectures, talks and consultancies designed specifically to the participants’ needs.
Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink
Open Lecture: Leonarda Da Costa Custodio on Decoloniality and Design
Monday 09 December, 2024
Faculty of Design
Leonardo Custódio, PhD, is a Brazilian post-doctoral researcher at Åbo Akademi University, Finland. He also co-coordinates the Anti-Racism Media Activist Alliance (ARMA Alliance) and the Finland-Based Activist Research Network. The title of this talk will be “A Conversation on Decoloniality and Design.”
He is an an educator and expert on communication for development and social change. He supports individuals and organizations to understand, develop and promote uses of means of communication available for internal and external strategies grounded on the principles of human rights, social justice, mutual learning and respect. For that, he applies research-based knowledge and dialogue-centered skills to organize workshops, lectures, talks and consultancies designed specifically to the participants’ needs.
Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink
15.04.2024 — 03.05.2024
Academic Staff Competition: Public Venia Legend Lectures
In April, the public lectures of the Venia legend of the candidates for the 2024 academic staff competition will begin.
NB! The password for the videos is Faw1!.ec
April 15 in room A-501
Associate professor of Glass Design, head of BA specialty, head of department (1.0 positions)
at 11:30 Andra Jõgi lecture “Half empty & fully full”
Associate professor of theory and history of Product Design (0.75 positions)
at 12.30 Triin Jerlei lecture “Shared and personal (time) stories in design”
April 29 in room A-501
Associate Professor of the Department of Animation (1.0 positions)
at 13.30 p.m. Lilli-Krõõt Repnau lecture “We tell ourselves stories in order to live…”
April 29 in room A-501
Professor of Textile Design (1.0 positions)
at 3 p.m. Kärt Ojavee lecture “Textiles in interludes”
April 30 in room A-501
Associate Professor of Graphic Design (0.5 positions)
at 11 Kert Viiart lecture “Research in graphic design education and practice”
Associate professor of Fashion Design (0.5 positions)
at 12 Anu Samarüütel-Long lecture “Without or with thought, in silence or in noise. The path of creation”
May 3 in room A-501
Associate Professor of Interaction Design (0.75 positions)
at 10:30 Nesli Hazal Oktay lecture “Interaction Design of Our Future(s)”
at 11.30 Emrecan Gülay lecture “Empowering Human Creativity: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds in Interaction Design and Education”
at 12.30 Velvet Spors lecture “Inter-Personal, Inter-Connected, Inter-Faced: Exploring Technology as a Tool for Relationality”
Lectures for candidates for the Associate Professor of Interaction Design are in English
You are all welcome to listen!
Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink
Academic Staff Competition: Public Venia Legend Lectures
Monday 15 April, 2024 — Friday 03 May, 2024
In April, the public lectures of the Venia legend of the candidates for the 2024 academic staff competition will begin.
NB! The password for the videos is Faw1!.ec
April 15 in room A-501
Associate professor of Glass Design, head of BA specialty, head of department (1.0 positions)
at 11:30 Andra Jõgi lecture “Half empty & fully full”
Associate professor of theory and history of Product Design (0.75 positions)
at 12.30 Triin Jerlei lecture “Shared and personal (time) stories in design”
April 29 in room A-501
Associate Professor of the Department of Animation (1.0 positions)
at 13.30 p.m. Lilli-Krõõt Repnau lecture “We tell ourselves stories in order to live…”
April 29 in room A-501
Professor of Textile Design (1.0 positions)
at 3 p.m. Kärt Ojavee lecture “Textiles in interludes”
April 30 in room A-501
Associate Professor of Graphic Design (0.5 positions)
at 11 Kert Viiart lecture “Research in graphic design education and practice”
Associate professor of Fashion Design (0.5 positions)
at 12 Anu Samarüütel-Long lecture “Without or with thought, in silence or in noise. The path of creation”
May 3 in room A-501
Associate Professor of Interaction Design (0.75 positions)
at 10:30 Nesli Hazal Oktay lecture “Interaction Design of Our Future(s)”
at 11.30 Emrecan Gülay lecture “Empowering Human Creativity: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds in Interaction Design and Education”
at 12.30 Velvet Spors lecture “Inter-Personal, Inter-Connected, Inter-Faced: Exploring Technology as a Tool for Relationality”
Lectures for candidates for the Associate Professor of Interaction Design are in English
You are all welcome to listen!
Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink
Tangible Intelligence: an exhibition on intelligent interactive installations
Interaction Design
If 2023 was the year in which AI entered our life through our browsers, the future will see more and more AI entering our machines ! This year’s Tangible Design exhibition investigates what can be done when using tools like ChatGPT to animate interactive installations.
Students of the master went on building devices that listen, watch and talk, offering entertainment in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago:
- An automatic LEGO improv theatre powered by GPT. Set the characters in the studio, tune in the comedy (or drama) level and let the robots improvise for you
- ❤️ A perfect partner visualiser. You’ll use a switchboard-like device to set the characteristics of the partner of your dreams. Then, you’ll see that visualised (powered by Dall-E)
- A future telling oracle. Using GPT and Dall-E, it will read your drawings on coffee grounds and figure out what your future looks like.
- A children’s storytelling monster. Pick a character, place it on the board, hear every time a different story told by a one-eyed monster.
Join us on Saturday 23rd in Telliskivi Creative City, next to Nihe Kohvik, to immerse yourself in a future where public installations use an additional layer of intelligence.
More info on Facebook:
—— is an international masters at EKA focused on humanity centred innovation. This Tangible Design course was led by Ottavio Cambieri and Anna Jõgi, with participating students YaChuan Chen, Rainer Pits, Tunahan Zilyas, Iie-Mall Püüa, Alisa Butenko, Carol Alice Tõniste, Rain Jaaksoo, Janeli Pelska, Helena Väinmaa, Marianna Zvereva, Jon Tastad and Monika Juríková.
Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink
Tangible Intelligence: an exhibition on intelligent interactive installations
Saturday 23 March, 2024
Interaction Design
If 2023 was the year in which AI entered our life through our browsers, the future will see more and more AI entering our machines ! This year’s Tangible Design exhibition investigates what can be done when using tools like ChatGPT to animate interactive installations.
Students of the master went on building devices that listen, watch and talk, offering entertainment in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago:
- An automatic LEGO improv theatre powered by GPT. Set the characters in the studio, tune in the comedy (or drama) level and let the robots improvise for you
- ❤️ A perfect partner visualiser. You’ll use a switchboard-like device to set the characteristics of the partner of your dreams. Then, you’ll see that visualised (powered by Dall-E)
- A future telling oracle. Using GPT and Dall-E, it will read your drawings on coffee grounds and figure out what your future looks like.
- A children’s storytelling monster. Pick a character, place it on the board, hear every time a different story told by a one-eyed monster.
Join us on Saturday 23rd in Telliskivi Creative City, next to Nihe Kohvik, to immerse yourself in a future where public installations use an additional layer of intelligence.
More info on Facebook:
—— is an international masters at EKA focused on humanity centred innovation. This Tangible Design course was led by Ottavio Cambieri and Anna Jõgi, with participating students YaChuan Chen, Rainer Pits, Tunahan Zilyas, Iie-Mall Püüa, Alisa Butenko, Carol Alice Tõniste, Rain Jaaksoo, Janeli Pelska, Helena Väinmaa, Marianna Zvereva, Jon Tastad and Monika Juríková.
Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink
21.11.2023 — 24.11.2023
EKA Interaction Design at World Usability Day
Faculty of Design
The department of Interaction Design MA at EKA will contribute to the World Usability Day Estonia (WUD) with a public talk and workshop.
World Usability Day Estonia (WUD) is an annual UX-, web- and interaction design conference, the largest in the Baltics. WUD 2023 topic is Collaboration and Cooperation.
This year’s WUD theme encompasses the essence of effective teamwork and smooth interaction in the realm of User Experience (UX). We aim to shed light on the significance of synergy and collective effort in driving innovation and fostering a cohesive UX community.
The event is in English and this year we will continue with the hybrid format which combines a live event (Kultuurikatel) with an online event.
November 21-23rd – workshop days
November 23rd – pre-event at Tallinn University (Narva mnt 25, Tallinn)
November 24th – conference day – the hybrid format – combines a live event (Kultuurikatel, Põhja puiestee 27a, Tallinn, ESTONIA) with an online event
You can watch the conference till the end of the year 2023!
More information on the event website
#wud2023 #ux #conference
Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink
EKA Interaction Design at World Usability Day
Tuesday 21 November, 2023 — Friday 24 November, 2023
Faculty of Design
The department of Interaction Design MA at EKA will contribute to the World Usability Day Estonia (WUD) with a public talk and workshop.
World Usability Day Estonia (WUD) is an annual UX-, web- and interaction design conference, the largest in the Baltics. WUD 2023 topic is Collaboration and Cooperation.
This year’s WUD theme encompasses the essence of effective teamwork and smooth interaction in the realm of User Experience (UX). We aim to shed light on the significance of synergy and collective effort in driving innovation and fostering a cohesive UX community.
The event is in English and this year we will continue with the hybrid format which combines a live event (Kultuurikatel) with an online event.
November 21-23rd – workshop days
November 23rd – pre-event at Tallinn University (Narva mnt 25, Tallinn)
November 24th – conference day – the hybrid format – combines a live event (Kultuurikatel, Põhja puiestee 27a, Tallinn, ESTONIA) with an online event
You can watch the conference till the end of the year 2023!
More information on the event website
#wud2023 #ux #conference
Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink
07.06.2023 — 10.06.2023
EKA Interaction Design 2023 Grad Show
Interaction Design
Human-centred design alone is no longer enough. To deal with the wicked problems of the 21st century and beyond, we need to explore new ways of building empathy and igniting creativity.
Join us for our graduation project showcase and witness the outcomes of twelve designers’ half-a-year journeys as they explored various challenges and addressed sustainable development goals by pushing the limits of what interaction design can be.
At Yanu Robot Bar, Rotermanni 14
Open daily 7–10 June
Opening party 7. June at 19:00
Join the talented students behind the work and their mentors, play around with the prototypes and enjoy drinks, music and a night full of inspiration!
At EKA Main Auditorium, Põhja pst 7
Thursday, 8 June
Interactions within Ourselves
9:10 Alma Yareny Duriez Urías: Fiction of our dreams as a tool for collective imaginarium
10:00 Katrin Kirsikka Janelle Koskela: Wear my anger
10:50 Pietro Ercolino Vizzadelli Barcucci: A monkey in a spaceship
Interactions with People and Services
12:30 Natsumi Nonaka: Discursive Design for Critically Embodying Gendered Experiences in Japan’s New Graduate Recruitment Practices
13:20 Quinn Darby Feller: Mending Relationships: Repairing garments through playfulness and collaboration
14:10 Helen Staak: Supporting cardiology patients to be active participants in their communication and treatment process at the II Cardiology Department in North Estonia Medical Centre
Friday, 9 June
Interactions with Products
9:10 Görkem Bozkurt: Trinteract—an Open-source 3D Input Device for Navigating Digital Spaces
10:00 Thomas Hartnell: HempCentric—From Hemp Fields to Green Builds
10:50 Jakob Päll: Ordinary drives in extraordinary ways—How to enhance the experience of a daily commute drive with a smart scenario for a Volvo car?
Interactions with Systems
12:30 Külliki Kesa: Estonian Packaging Design Guide—Creating Meaningful Interventions with the Help of Systemic Design
13:20 Paulina Juárez Badillo Chávez: The paradox of online identity verification
14:10 Sigmund Abou Chrouch: Uncovering biases in design research through Experiential Narratives
Come, join us in Yanu Robot Bar for the showcase, and in EKA for two days of inspiring presentations and discussions and learn about the latest trends in interaction design.
Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink
EKA Interaction Design 2023 Grad Show
Wednesday 07 June, 2023 — Saturday 10 June, 2023
Interaction Design
Human-centred design alone is no longer enough. To deal with the wicked problems of the 21st century and beyond, we need to explore new ways of building empathy and igniting creativity.
Join us for our graduation project showcase and witness the outcomes of twelve designers’ half-a-year journeys as they explored various challenges and addressed sustainable development goals by pushing the limits of what interaction design can be.
At Yanu Robot Bar, Rotermanni 14
Open daily 7–10 June
Opening party 7. June at 19:00
Join the talented students behind the work and their mentors, play around with the prototypes and enjoy drinks, music and a night full of inspiration!
At EKA Main Auditorium, Põhja pst 7
Thursday, 8 June
Interactions within Ourselves
9:10 Alma Yareny Duriez Urías: Fiction of our dreams as a tool for collective imaginarium
10:00 Katrin Kirsikka Janelle Koskela: Wear my anger
10:50 Pietro Ercolino Vizzadelli Barcucci: A monkey in a spaceship
Interactions with People and Services
12:30 Natsumi Nonaka: Discursive Design for Critically Embodying Gendered Experiences in Japan’s New Graduate Recruitment Practices
13:20 Quinn Darby Feller: Mending Relationships: Repairing garments through playfulness and collaboration
14:10 Helen Staak: Supporting cardiology patients to be active participants in their communication and treatment process at the II Cardiology Department in North Estonia Medical Centre
Friday, 9 June
Interactions with Products
9:10 Görkem Bozkurt: Trinteract—an Open-source 3D Input Device for Navigating Digital Spaces
10:00 Thomas Hartnell: HempCentric—From Hemp Fields to Green Builds
10:50 Jakob Päll: Ordinary drives in extraordinary ways—How to enhance the experience of a daily commute drive with a smart scenario for a Volvo car?
Interactions with Systems
12:30 Külliki Kesa: Estonian Packaging Design Guide—Creating Meaningful Interventions with the Help of Systemic Design
13:20 Paulina Juárez Badillo Chávez: The paradox of online identity verification
14:10 Sigmund Abou Chrouch: Uncovering biases in design research through Experiential Narratives
Come, join us in Yanu Robot Bar for the showcase, and in EKA for two days of inspiring presentations and discussions and learn about the latest trends in interaction design.
Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink
02.05.2023 — 07.05.2023
Etiquette of digital collaboration: Designers Speak Up
Interaction Design
Introducing the “Etiquette of digital collaboration: Designers Speak Up” – A showcase of emerging design students’ creative synergy in different design practices.
Periods of uncertainty and the ongoing transition towards a more sustainable future have normalised remote work and the concept of “alone together”, greatly affecting how designers, artists, architects, and other creatives collaborate. This exhibition is a testament to the power of such collaboration, bringing together the learnings from courses held in Tallinn (EKA), Saint-Étienne (ESADSE), and Schwäbisch Gmünd (HfG) for a project called “Digital Tools for Creative Collaboration”.
During the project, the students of the three schools explored the impact of the trend towards digital collaboration. We took their learnings and used ChatGPT 4.0 and other AI tools to turn them into a vivid twister experience. The twister features eight themes, each of which delves into a different aspect of teamwork, communication, and the design process:
1. Stay Human
2. Design with Intent
3. Use Cyber Manners
4. Embracing Differences
5. Improving Workflows
6. Teaming Up
7. Practice Effective Communication
8. Exercise Discipline
Each theme encompasses a range of concepts and ideas, with the students offering their unique insights and experiences. As a whole, the exhibition highlights the importance of empathy, openness, and effective communication in fostering a productive and creative team environment. It showcases the students’ commitment to personal growth, pushing the boundaries of traditional design methodologies, and embracing the challenges of working across disciplines and cultures.
The expo will be open in the EKA ground floor lobby every day on 2–7 May.
On display:
200 tenets of effective digital collaboration, analysed with the help of ChatGPT 4.0 from the produced course materials and reflections by participating students and mentors.
22 interviews with students and mentors participating in the project.
Participating students:
Maëlys Bard, Max Becht, Sarah Boutière, Paulina Juárez Badillo Chávez, Sigmund Abou Chrouch, Artemiy Guslistov, Hugo Guyomard, Ludovic Hohl, Mathias Hû, Kristi Laanemäe, Tara Monheim, Alféa Morelli, Daisy Muntean, Natsumi Nonaka, Alina Remlinger, Marius Schairer, Viki Schmidt, Kaisa Uik, Yaren Duriez Urías, Mark Uustalu.
Participating mentors:
Cléa Di Fabio (Esadse), Jérémie Nuel (Esadse), Damien Baïs (Esadse), François Brument (Esadse), David-Olivier Lartigaud (Esadse), Lucile Schrenzel (Esadse), Marc Guntow (HfG Schwäbisch-Gmünd), Ludwig Kannicht (HfG Schwäbisch-Gmünd), Tanel Kärp (EKA), Jekaterina Suharenko (EKA, Jonn Galea (EKA).
Exhibition design:
Ottavio Cambieri, Jekaterina Suharenko, Anastasiia Grigoriadi, Tanel Kärp, Nesli Hazal Akbulut, Oliver Kanniste
Exhibition “Etiquette of digital collaboration: Designers speak up” is organised by
Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink
Etiquette of digital collaboration: Designers Speak Up
Tuesday 02 May, 2023 — Sunday 07 May, 2023
Interaction Design
Introducing the “Etiquette of digital collaboration: Designers Speak Up” – A showcase of emerging design students’ creative synergy in different design practices.
Periods of uncertainty and the ongoing transition towards a more sustainable future have normalised remote work and the concept of “alone together”, greatly affecting how designers, artists, architects, and other creatives collaborate. This exhibition is a testament to the power of such collaboration, bringing together the learnings from courses held in Tallinn (EKA), Saint-Étienne (ESADSE), and Schwäbisch Gmünd (HfG) for a project called “Digital Tools for Creative Collaboration”.
During the project, the students of the three schools explored the impact of the trend towards digital collaboration. We took their learnings and used ChatGPT 4.0 and other AI tools to turn them into a vivid twister experience. The twister features eight themes, each of which delves into a different aspect of teamwork, communication, and the design process:
1. Stay Human
2. Design with Intent
3. Use Cyber Manners
4. Embracing Differences
5. Improving Workflows
6. Teaming Up
7. Practice Effective Communication
8. Exercise Discipline
Each theme encompasses a range of concepts and ideas, with the students offering their unique insights and experiences. As a whole, the exhibition highlights the importance of empathy, openness, and effective communication in fostering a productive and creative team environment. It showcases the students’ commitment to personal growth, pushing the boundaries of traditional design methodologies, and embracing the challenges of working across disciplines and cultures.
The expo will be open in the EKA ground floor lobby every day on 2–7 May.
On display:
200 tenets of effective digital collaboration, analysed with the help of ChatGPT 4.0 from the produced course materials and reflections by participating students and mentors.
22 interviews with students and mentors participating in the project.
Participating students:
Maëlys Bard, Max Becht, Sarah Boutière, Paulina Juárez Badillo Chávez, Sigmund Abou Chrouch, Artemiy Guslistov, Hugo Guyomard, Ludovic Hohl, Mathias Hû, Kristi Laanemäe, Tara Monheim, Alféa Morelli, Daisy Muntean, Natsumi Nonaka, Alina Remlinger, Marius Schairer, Viki Schmidt, Kaisa Uik, Yaren Duriez Urías, Mark Uustalu.
Participating mentors:
Cléa Di Fabio (Esadse), Jérémie Nuel (Esadse), Damien Baïs (Esadse), François Brument (Esadse), David-Olivier Lartigaud (Esadse), Lucile Schrenzel (Esadse), Marc Guntow (HfG Schwäbisch-Gmünd), Ludwig Kannicht (HfG Schwäbisch-Gmünd), Tanel Kärp (EKA), Jekaterina Suharenko (EKA, Jonn Galea (EKA).
Exhibition design:
Ottavio Cambieri, Jekaterina Suharenko, Anastasiia Grigoriadi, Tanel Kärp, Nesli Hazal Akbulut, Oliver Kanniste
Exhibition “Etiquette of digital collaboration: Designers speak up” is organised by
Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink
/imagine: Tallsinki 2123
Interaction Design
Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink
/imagine: Tallsinki 2123
Sunday 02 April, 2023
Interaction Design
Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink
23.02.2023 2nd Online Info Session: Q&A
Interaction Design

Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink 2nd Online Info Session: Q&A
Thursday 23 February, 2023
Interaction Design

Posted by Tanel Kärp — Permalink
Interaction Design MA programme online info session 2023
Interaction Design
EKA Interaction Design MA programme invites prospective Master’s students to join the online info session on Friday, February 3, 2023 at 16:00 EET (local Estonian time).
You’ll have an opportunity to hear about the mission and philosophy of the programme, learn about student experiences and see their projects, take a virtual tour in our studios, and meet and ask questions directly from the faculty, students and alumni.
The info session will be hosted online over Zoom. If you would like to attend, please register online through the form below. A link to attend will be e-mailed shortly before the event begins.
Register HERE.
More information about the Interaction Design MA ( programme:
Admissions period starts on the 1st of February 2023 and application deadline is 6th of March 2023.
Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink
Interaction Design MA programme online info session 2023
Friday 03 February, 2023
Interaction Design
EKA Interaction Design MA programme invites prospective Master’s students to join the online info session on Friday, February 3, 2023 at 16:00 EET (local Estonian time).
You’ll have an opportunity to hear about the mission and philosophy of the programme, learn about student experiences and see their projects, take a virtual tour in our studios, and meet and ask questions directly from the faculty, students and alumni.
The info session will be hosted online over Zoom. If you would like to attend, please register online through the form below. A link to attend will be e-mailed shortly before the event begins.
Register HERE.
More information about the Interaction Design MA ( programme:
Admissions period starts on the 1st of February 2023 and application deadline is 6th of March 2023.
Posted by Maarja Pabut — Permalink